The TwinTube is the name for the tracks to be used with a TwinDolly, the perfect way to make your traveling. Their joints are famous and unrecognizable. You will only need a support every other connection, so a quick setup is a guarantee.
With the additional TwinSliderBase you can create a Slider or Overkeeper from any length of TwinTube, mountable on any camera tripod.

The TwinTube can be supported with either appleboxes or ready available furniture.
In the center of each sleeper there is a 3/8″ threading to be used in combination with a 100mm leveler to be used on your camera-tripod. We also deliver a junior-stud with a 3/8″ bolt so you can support a TwinTube with a junior-combo-stand.

Our TwinTube can be ordered with the standard sleeper or the long sleeper. The long sleeper makes it possible to use adjusting bolts for leveling instead of the regular wedging.
It is highly recommended to use the EndStops to prevent the TwinDolly for running of the lifted track.
Our Twintubes comes in our standard lenght of 0m80, 1m00, 1m20, 1m50 and 2m30.
When ordering different length of TwinTubes (standard or customized) it is recommended to have at least a difference in length of 10 cm. In this way you will be able to store the TwinTubes as ‘reversed piramide’, saving space and preventing unnecessary damages .
For a quick reference on possible set ups check the TwinTube set up sheet.