The TwinDolly is a blended dolly/slider combination in an effective, solid design. Together with TwinTube it is comparative with the old school camrail. It has the same elements as a slider but it is definitely more versatile. It is a simple small dolly and track system for more heavy cameras like Arricam or a fully equipped Red or Alexa/Amira/SonyF65.

Making a slider ride
The TwinTube is the name for the tracks to be used with a TwinDolly, the perfect way to make your travel. Their joints are famous and unrecognizable. You will only need a support every other connection, so a quick setup is guaranteed.
With the additional TwinSliderBase you can create a Slider or Overkeeper from any lenght of TwinTube, mountable on any camera tripod.
The TwinDolly can be equipped with all camerahead fittings, straight or under a slight slope. The additional TwinDollyMotor makes it possible to have a motorized TwinDolly.
A tip protection will prevent the camera and dolly from falling of the TwinTube. A rotating arm will prevent the BNC for stumbling the wheels.
To help our customers in which items to purchase for a workable kit we have assembled the TwinKit and the TwinSliderKit.